Friday, January 15, 2016

Ascension Or Awakening Process

The ascension/awakening process is filled with many unexpected turns and twists. It is important at this stage to try hard to get rid of everything that is old in your ideas, beliefs, lifestyle, nature of food, change your habits and take advantage of the day.

You will know you are going through the ascension process when you start noticing the signs and if you start connecting with your Angels, Archangels, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters. You feel side effects of the energy on your body. You receive special messages through your dreams or intuition. You see number frequencies. When synchronistic events lead you to your destiny.

Some of the things we experience will be amazing while others seem to drain every ounce of energy we have. It is very common with the ascension process to feel like everyone else is at the end of one long tunnel, so very far away and difficult to reach. Being around groups or crowds brings in a large array of differing energy, and the more highly sensitive we become, the less we are able to process or handle too much differing energy all at once. In other words we attract a lot of negative energy from being in crowds. Many times, these are lessons that are reflected back to us to help us grow as individuals.

You will discover that things are not the same amongst some friends that are not on the same path as you. It is still all about what is inside of them, as they are not yet ready to see that everything around them is part of one beautiful whole and that each and every one of us is a brilliant light comprising that whole, and we are all one. The higher we vibrate, the more invisible we become, and the more noticeable it is. You will know when you are “seen” and revered, and these are the individuals that you will eventually choose to spend time with. The nature spirits always see us, and they are wonderful to spend time around. Staying in your own personal sanctuary can help as well. As more and more souls on the planet begin not taking things personally, they will be freed up and begin to see what is around them as well.

You will know when you have taken the plunge and trusted or become exhausted enough to let it all go, when you find yourself in states of great peace, contentment, trust, and calm. You have now reached your center, the space in between thoughts, the now, and where it all is.

After each of us reaches a certain level of frequency within, we are now ready to lose that old purpose and get a real life. It is then that all your needs will be miraculously met with ease and you will feel a peace you have never known. We come to know that being spiritual occurs very naturally. We are then simply being spiritual without having an intent to do so. 

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