Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Your Spirit Guide

Finding your Spirit Guide interests many people. This is because quite a few of us are aware that we have Spirit Guides.
Perhaps you are wondering what is the best way to go about this. The first part of finding your Spirit Guide is deciding that it is achievable. You first need to take a few simple steps. It may take a little while to happen and it will take a bit of commitment, but for most people it is possible.
The most important aspect to achieving this end is to make meditation a daily activity, which will aid you to achieve your aim. During the time you spend in meditation, you will begin to make contact with your Spirit Guides and Angels. If you are unsure about how to meditate, you may like to start by learning the first of the easy to learn meditation techniques. Before you begin your meditation call on Archangel Michael to surround you with his white light to protect you from any harm. You really do not want to be connecting with the dark side. Like all types of meditation it is important that you allow yourself to deeply relax. Once you are deeply relaxed you may find that your eyelids begin to flutter as your brain waves slow. Allow yourself to totally relax, and let go of all tension. Become aware of the silence, and allow yourself to resonate with it.
This is the time when you may choose to reach out to your Spirit Guides and ask them to contact you. Use whatever method you are most comfortable with. If you are clairaudient, listen for them to speak to you. If you are clairsentient you may feel the presence of your Spirit Guides and Angels. If you are visual, you may see something. Some people prefer to create a screen to look at, and you may do this if you want, especially if you have clairvoyant ability.
Even though the way they choose to come to you may vary, Spirit Guides and the Angels will come through to you at some point as they want you to know that they are present.
It is simply a matter of being aware of and recognising that they are there. When they come through to you, acknowledge their presence, and let them know you are grateful for their help. You may also choose to ask them for assistance at this time. Just relax, and allow whatever they wish to show you to manifest in the best way for you. You may also see bright colours, particularly if the Archangels are with you which is a wonderful validation of their presence.
You may get messages for yourself and others, especially if you ask for this to happen. It is amazing how you can be told or shown little things that help you to know that they are assisting you in your life and that you are on the right path.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Lost Keys

There was a time where I had to take my son to his school in the evening as he was going on a tour. It was a mad rush. I had been out at a meeting so was running slightly late. I raced home. Grabbed everything that was needed and in my haste on locking the sliding door, I never put the keys in their usual place. This I only discovered on my return. In my haste I actually could not remember whether it was me that had locked the door or my son. When I got home later that evening I wanted to let the dogs out. It was then that I could not find the keys. I started looking everywhere. I just could not find them. I called my son on his cell phone to ask if he perhaps knew where they were placed. He did not know. I was getting quite frantic. I eventually had to let the dogs out into the court yard to do their business. They were not impressed! It was eventually so late and I was exhausted. I went to bed. I had a very restless night as I was still perturbed about the keys. Next morning I got up and thought maybe with a fresh start of searching I would find them. I eventually phoned my friend and told her that I just could not believe that these keys had just disappeared into thin air! She then told me to call on Saint Germaine for help. Which I then did. I went back to the couch closest to the sliding door and lifted the cushion armrest of the couch, and blow me down with a feather, there were the keys!! I could not believe it. I had looked in that same place close to a thousand times! I was so relieved that I had finally found the keys and my dogs were very happy that they could go out and do their business in the garden instead of the courtyard.

Two other Divinities that you can call on to find lost items are Archangel Chamuel and Archangel Zadkiel.

Grounding Meditation

I felt it very important that I must mention here that if you are doing a whole lot of spiritual work that you may find that you become ungrounded.

It is important that you regularly do some spiritual grounding to ensure that you do not develop any health problems. A preventative measure is to do a grounding meditation into the earth star chakra. There are many guided meditations that you can "Google". Some you may find as a free MP3 download and other's you may find on You Tube. 

Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Salt Dish

I was fascinated by the whole idea of how to connect with the Angels, Archangels, Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides, and I wanted very much to achieve this aim. I tried to get as much information as I could from wherever I could. I soon came to realise that everyone has their own ways of connecting with the Universe. Some ways may work for some and some do not work at all. This is where you yourself, have to decide what is best for you. This brings me to the Salt dish, and this was way before I discovered Meditation.

Someone had told me that there was a certain way you could get rid of negative energy from your body, mind and soul and this was to place a small dish (any kind of dish), with coarse sea salt under your bed. So I decided to try this method. I placed some coarse sea salt in a small plastic/tupperware dish. I filled the coarse sea salt to about half a centimeter deep in the dish and then placed it under my bed. This is where my next phenomenal experience happened. This salt dish was probably under my bed for more than a week. I went out one day to see some clients and later returned home and on entering my bedroom, here I found the salt dish next to my bed. I stood there totally stunned and baffled! How on earth did this salt dish come to be next to my bed? My son was still at school and there was no one else at home. On top of that the base of my bed was very low, probably about 3cm off the ground, so there was no way that someone could have crawled under the bed to move the salt dish. I was dumbfounded! Needless to say I shrugged this all off and pushed the salt dish back under the bed. Blow me down with a feather, two days later I again return home to find the salt dish next to the bed again!! I eventually sat down on the bed and remember thinking that there is a message here and clearly it is from my Angels and Guides. The message was that I did not need the salt dish to remove any negative energy.

I remember then reading some material that I had found which stated that all you have to do is ask your Angels and Guides to remove any negative energy from your body, mind and soul. I remember thinking, Wow! So that message that I had come to was true. I cannot explain the feeling that overcame me at that point. There are in fact even certain Angels and Archangels that you can call on directly to help you with cleansing one of which is Archangel Michael. When I call on Archangel Michael to help me with something I see specks of blue flashing light out of the corner of my eye.

It was at this time that I then was informed about Meditation which is also an excellent way to clear any negative energy.

Friday, December 25, 2015


Connecting with spirit guides and angels may take different forms. To aid you with finding your spirit guides and angels, you should begin with the meditation process and do this on a daily basis.
It is common to find that as you do this daily activity, that you will begin to have a strong awareness of the presence of your guide or in some cases more than one guide.
The ability to contact spirit guides is available to all of us. Finding your spirit guide or guides is possible, but you must first make the decision that you are going to do this.
I took up meditation and yoga practice as I had heard that if your energies are all blocked up, you will not notice your angels as much. Also, if you want to hear guidance from your Angels you have to be able to silence your mind. If your mind is racing with all kinds of thoughts, worries and if your body, mind and soul is filled with stress and anxiety, well, you will not hear your angels either. You will also not notice the signs around you. You have to be in complete vibration with the Universe to really connect. As long as you feel good about yourself and you are happy, and things make you feel good, it's important to stay in a good vibration. Over the last three years I have made meditation a priority in my life and I alternate my yoga with my fitness workouts. I have now gotten to the point where I am able to receive guidance from my Angels, when I ask them. It takes a while for me to hear them but how I know I am going to get an answer is if I am sitting really quiet and empty my mind of all thoughts, I will get this high pitched ringing in my ears and then I will hear them.  This is known as clairaudience.

Some More Feathers

Another occasion I opened up my purse to tip the car guard who had been watching my car, and there, once again a feather flew out of my purse! On another occasion, I had just woken up in the morning and went to the kitchen to put the kettle on, and there on top of the kettle there was a feather! How it got there I do not know as my kitchen window is always closed at night. Synchronicity is a strange but beautiful thing. Oh and by the way, I do NOT believe in coincidence!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

My Awareness

My awareness of these mysterious forces that guide, validate, and help us live our lives has increased phenomenally over time. The more I became aware that there are Angels, Archangels, Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters who guide us every day, the more I asked for signs and help from the Universe, the more I started noticing synchronicities. I will never forget the day I asked for a sign and that day I happened to open up my diary to make notes and there, in the centre of the page was a feather!! I had never taken my diary outside. It was a permanent fixture on my office desk! That was the first really awesome experience I had. Over time I had many unexplainable situations happen.  I will share with you in these posts my experiences I have had with the Angels, Archangels, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters and Guardian Angels.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Symbolism Of The Monarch Butterfly

I have dabbled enough in spirituality to know that, whenever any animal or insect shows up with strong intent or in a unique way, it’s good to pay attention to the message it brings. To the Native Americans the Butterfly is a symbol of joy. They remind us that life is a dance, not to take things quite so seriously. They also remind us to get up and move. Dance brings the sweetness of life. So, what do Butterflies symbolise and what do we know about them? For those that think I am some kind of “fruit cake”. So be it. This is who I am. I am a nature lover and I believe there is more to life. I came to that conclusion from my experience I had with a very serious health challenge. This is me. Accept me for who I am, or don’t, it is your choice.
I love symbolism in life, it is a way I intuitively operate. I have two necklaces that I wear often. The one is a silver Dragonfly and the other is a blue Butterfly. More often than not I am wearing the Butterfly. My belief is that when a Butterfly flies near you it means that your Angels, Archangels, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters are near you. Almost on a daily basis I have a white Butterfly around me and now and then I have a Monarch Butterfly around me. I was listening to some encouraging words from someone on Friday and as she said something to me, a Monarch Butterfly had just flown past her window. She said that it was validation of what she was saying to me at that point and that it would do me some good to see what the actual meaning of the Animal Totem would be for a Monarch Butterfly. For those that assume at this point that she is a Psychic – no, she is a motivational speaker that is also very spiritual. Anyway, this whole thing with the Monarch Butterfly reminded me of the last time I went to Mount Amanzi with my sister’s. We went Mountain climbing and on our hike to the Mountain my sister, Angie, suddenly exclaimed that I needed to stop and turn around and look. I was suddenly surrounded by the most beautiful Butterflies. Each and every one completely different to the other. There were black one’s with blue speckles on their wings. There were a few Monarchs. Some white and some yellow Butterflies. They all ranged in different sizes, from large to small. It was such a spectacular sight. I was awestruck!! Anyway, I have gotten carried away. On my research of the Monarch Butterfly, below is some information I found which I really find very interesting.

Life is short. Fleeting moments. Transformation. Internal and external change. Personal change. Looking for sweetness. Herb magic. Flower magic. Celebrating beauty. Travel and migration. Moving to new places. Enjoying the journey. Outside of harmful or negative influence. Rhythm. Reincarnation.

General Description:
The Monarch Butterfly has been present in Australia since the early 1800s. It is a toxic insect, notable for its bright orange, black and white colouration. Now to the colour of the Butterfly. Orange relates to the 2nd Chakra (Sacral), one which I already know has taken a long time to balance within myself through constant meditation. The sacral’s main chakra meanings relate to the feeling of emotions (self-confidence, one’s power), sensuality, security, commitment and honour in relationships and clairsentience or clear feeling. Its energy is needed to create life and to achieve a creative expression that is essentially physical, the spiritual energy is to learn to interact consciously with others, to form unions with people who support our development, and release those that limit growth.
The Monarch Butterfly teaches us that life is short, and that it must be valued. Assuming that we have decades of our lives left, or at the very least, years, is all well and good for things like economic planning, but it is through recognising the fleetingness of human existence that we come to value every day, even those which get us down or which are hard to appreciate.

Monarch Butterfly asks you to consciously look at what you have gained that is valuable in each day, and even to write the things that you are grateful for down. If you are in a position where you can think of nothing to be grateful for, Monarch Butterfly is a guide willing to open your eyes to the beauty and gift of life once more. It is through this that Monarch Butterfly teaches us how to look for sweetness and light in our lives.
Have you ever had one of those moments that felt perfect? Where, despite what was going on in your life, everything seemed to come together in one fleeting moment of contentment, happiness and perfection? Monarch Butterfly teaches us that all of life is made up of striving for and increasing the number of these moments that we experience, and shows us how to better value and focus on these fleeting moments. Do you remember the last time you had one? Where you were when it happened? If you can't remember one, it might be time to seek one out again through looking for enjoyable experiences.
It is time to enjoy the journey and put aside the destination. It's not about where you will be tomorrow or in a year's time. It is about valuing where you are NOW, even if you haven't reached your destination yet. Remember that there is as much wisdom and joy to gain on the way to an imagined or real destination, as there is at the destination itself.
The Monarch Butterfly, despite being feral in Australia, has still managed to avoid many of the negative connotations that other feral animals in Australia take on over time. The Monarch Butterfly in many ways has remained outside of harmful or negative influence, and is a celebrated image of beauty in urban back gardens. If Monarch Butterfly is present as a guide, it may be that you are also outside of harmful or negative influence right now, or that the universe is preparing to give you a bit of a 'break' for a while so that you can celebrate the beauty that exists within your life.
Monarch Butterfly indicates themes of travel and migration, even as much as moving to new places. In Australia, short-term travel is indicated, such as journeys to new places, or even taking new commutes to work or back to your home. In other parts of the world the presence of Monarch Butterfly asks you to genuinely consider whether you are living in the best place right now, or alternatively, if it's worth a change of scenery to get you back in touch with nature and the rhythms of the earth.
You will be helped at this time by the magic possessed in herbs and flowers. It may be through the healing actions of herbs, and consider increasing your use of them in cooking, taking herbal supplements, only if needed and at the direction of a professional, or even just taking the time to enjoy the scent of herbs under your hands. The power of flowers is also present at this time. Consider investing in flower essences, or even making your own. Alternatively, look at and enjoy the presence of flowers in your life. Sometimes just taking the time to look at and visually enjoy the bounty of the earth is enough to create powerful healing changes.
Themes of reincarnation may be present. The Monarch Butterfly introduces us to concepts of reincarnation and, if we are believers, asks us to invest some more time into thinking about our beliefs regarding rebirth and spiritual transformation across lifetimes.

All Butterflies and moths, teach the power of transformation, and their presence in your life can be extremely empowering. They teach people how to proactively seize their own individual opportunities for growth and metamorphosis. At this time, you have great opportunity for phenomenal internal and external changes and transformations. Monarch Butterfly particularly signals a time for personal change and internal change, emphasising changes of perspective and how we perceive our place in the world and our contentment within it.
The Butterfly can help you see that exiting the cocoon suddenly opens a new door, that there is power in trust and vulnerability. No more than you does a Butterfly know whether it can fly, but it opens its wings in perfect confidence, and discovers that their delicacy allow its graceful flight, its dance in the air. When we understand that transformation can be as natural as breathing, when we take ourselves lightly, when we trust in our own untried wings to support us, we learn the message of Butterfly, life itself is a joyous dance. Dance brings us the sweetness of life.
The four stages of the Butterflies growth are parallel to the development of our first forming a thought to manifesting it in the outer world. Understanding that change can be as natural as breathing. We mustn’t be so hard on ourselves, trusting that our own untried wings will bear our weight. This is when we receive the Butterflies gift, life itself is extraordinary and amazing. If Butterfly has found you, take note of the most important issues in your life and see what needs to be changed.  And as you go through this process, over and over, learn to accept that each stage is a necessary part of transformation. Butterfly energy will help you not only accept, but actually enjoy the early crawling stage, as you learn new skills and new ways of being. This energy will also help you understand that the chrysalis stage, wrapped in a cocoon with direction unclear, is a necessary state before you can emerge in your full glory. A sudden change could be scary at the beginning but when you realise it for what exactly it is, your perspective will change and as consequence you will do it, too. Sometimes, we just have to change our negative attitude to a positive, everything will be better to assimilate. Don’t be afraid to use your untried wings. Just feel the air and start your flight.

As you finally emerge as a Butterfly, something that will happen to you many times in your lifetime, stretch out your beautiful wings and fly, enjoying life to the fullest, engrossed within this moment and this moment only, as you drink the nectar of the garden and give thanks for the many blessings of your life.

How Do You Know If It Is A Sign From Your Angels

Angels give you compelling directives to notice their signs. The sign will completely draw your attention. Sometimes they are big and obvious, other times they will be located in a little corner and you just happen to glance there. When you see it, you know it was meant for you. You will feel it in your heart.
As you evolve on your spiritual journey and the Angels notice that you are acknowledging the signs by thanking them for the signs they bring, they will bring you more and more signs. It brings joy to the Angels that they are able to communicate with you and that you follow their guidance. They will endeavour to help you with your daily life more and more. Remember that the Angels are always around and all you have to do is to ask them for help, and they will ALWAYS be there.
I will elaborate more on this blog as to what signs you can look out for.

Signs That Angels Are Near

Feathers appear when Angels are near. They leave them in the most unexpected places. Angels leave signs to reassure, comfort and guide us. Signs can be simply to let us know they are present. They can also be answers to questions we may have asked and guidance to help us through difficult times. Often, these signs appear in unexpected places and times. Pay attention to see them. We all experience signs in different forms. They not only appear as feathers. When you stumble upon a penny on the ground this is a sign that the Angels are there, supporting you financially, physically, emotionally and spiritually. When a Butterfly appears near you, take note of it. You can feel the gentle message of love they bring. A Butterfly appearing can have many meanings. I would encourage you to read my post on the “Monarch Butterfly”. We can even receive signs by doing some cloud watching. You will notice many Angel shapes ranging from clouds that resemble Angels, or feathers maybe even Angel wings. Receiving these signs is your Angels’ way of showing their physical presence in your life.

How Do Angels Communicate With Us?

A message from Doreen Virtue:
The angels do their best to get our attention and to communicate with us. In this way, they help us heal our own lives. However, we often discount the signs they give us, writing them off as mere coincidences or our imagination. The angels say: “We can’t write our messages to you in the sky. You’ve got to pay attention and believe when you see any patterns forming in your life especially in response to any questions or prayers you’ve posed. When you hear the same song repeatedly or see the same number sequence, who do you think is behind this? Your angels, of course!” 

Do You Believe In Angels? ...I Do...

My spiritual path began in the late 2000’s. It was however around 2006, when I realised that we are constantly graced with meaningful signs, not mere coincidences, through our relationships, nature, numbers, events, basically all things this world is made up of. 
Heavenly angels, often referred to as guardian angels, are mentioned numerous times in the Scriptures. Therein we learn that angels are spiritual beings created by God to serve him, and sent by God to watch over the human race, to deliver his message, to guard and protect us from danger, to do battle with other spiritual beings on our behalf.

Since the beginning of time, angels have delivered God's messages to mankind. Sometimes the messages are warnings of impending danger, sometimes instructions as to what to do in a particular situation, sometimes they are simply "there" as protection from enemy forces. Sometimes they bring joyful announcements as in the day they announced the birth of Jesus. Please do not get me wrong here. I am not here to preach Religion to anyone. I believe each and every one of us has a choice as to what we believe in. I am merely writing here about my own Spiritual journey for those who might be interested in it.