Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Dream Signs

Angels are able to easily reach us in our sleep, because we have finally slowed down enough to be receptive. You will know if your dream is a message because it will be compelling enough to remember. Create a dream journal when you find your Angels sending you dream messages.
I have had various messages brought to me through dreams however, there is one that really is just unforgettable.
I am a spiritual person. I believe in God and the Universe, but, I have not been to Church for many years (for personal reasons) and have not read the Bible in many years either. The one night I kept on having a message repeat over and over and over. It was like this voice was drumming the message into my head so that I would not forget it when I awoke. I kept hearing "Deuteronomy" and the verse number. When I woke that morning my immediate thought was "Where did that come from? I have not read the Bible in many years." I went and got the Bible and read the passage that I had been directed to. I was bowled over! The message that I received that day could not have been more accurate!!
Take note of your dreams. Write the dream down in a dream journal. It may not make sense right at that point but if you read the journal again a few days later, or some time later, you can be assured that you will then understand the message.

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