Friday, December 25, 2015


Connecting with spirit guides and angels may take different forms. To aid you with finding your spirit guides and angels, you should begin with the meditation process and do this on a daily basis.
It is common to find that as you do this daily activity, that you will begin to have a strong awareness of the presence of your guide or in some cases more than one guide.
The ability to contact spirit guides is available to all of us. Finding your spirit guide or guides is possible, but you must first make the decision that you are going to do this.
I took up meditation and yoga practice as I had heard that if your energies are all blocked up, you will not notice your angels as much. Also, if you want to hear guidance from your Angels you have to be able to silence your mind. If your mind is racing with all kinds of thoughts, worries and if your body, mind and soul is filled with stress and anxiety, well, you will not hear your angels either. You will also not notice the signs around you. You have to be in complete vibration with the Universe to really connect. As long as you feel good about yourself and you are happy, and things make you feel good, it's important to stay in a good vibration. Over the last three years I have made meditation a priority in my life and I alternate my yoga with my fitness workouts. I have now gotten to the point where I am able to receive guidance from my Angels, when I ask them. It takes a while for me to hear them but how I know I am going to get an answer is if I am sitting really quiet and empty my mind of all thoughts, I will get this high pitched ringing in my ears and then I will hear them.  This is known as clairaudience.

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