Monday, December 28, 2015

Lost Keys

There was a time where I had to take my son to his school in the evening as he was going on a tour. It was a mad rush. I had been out at a meeting so was running slightly late. I raced home. Grabbed everything that was needed and in my haste on locking the sliding door, I never put the keys in their usual place. This I only discovered on my return. In my haste I actually could not remember whether it was me that had locked the door or my son. When I got home later that evening I wanted to let the dogs out. It was then that I could not find the keys. I started looking everywhere. I just could not find them. I called my son on his cell phone to ask if he perhaps knew where they were placed. He did not know. I was getting quite frantic. I eventually had to let the dogs out into the court yard to do their business. They were not impressed! It was eventually so late and I was exhausted. I went to bed. I had a very restless night as I was still perturbed about the keys. Next morning I got up and thought maybe with a fresh start of searching I would find them. I eventually phoned my friend and told her that I just could not believe that these keys had just disappeared into thin air! She then told me to call on Saint Germaine for help. Which I then did. I went back to the couch closest to the sliding door and lifted the cushion armrest of the couch, and blow me down with a feather, there were the keys!! I could not believe it. I had looked in that same place close to a thousand times! I was so relieved that I had finally found the keys and my dogs were very happy that they could go out and do their business in the garden instead of the courtyard.

Two other Divinities that you can call on to find lost items are Archangel Chamuel and Archangel Zadkiel.

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